Friday, July 23, 2010


Thank you for visting my blog! I'm very excited about creating this after being an avid food blog reader for over a year. I have recently discovered my passion for baking and would love to have a place to show off what I have made. I love to bake in my free time and my goal with this blog is to make something new every week or two and to post it. Wish me luck!!!!


Unknown said...

And I am very excited to be able to sample and taste test all of your sweets and treats.

Amy said...

Those cookies are ADORABLE!

I'm very impressed, friend!

Tally said...

Those cookies were great and yum! Leave some of your samples for me to try :)

"MAYER" said...

Those sugar cookies look awesome! I'm picturing a 'Sheri's Sweets' bakery/store in your near future.